Star Map As Seen From EarthWhen a massive star comes to the end of it's life, it collapses in on itself under it's own gravity. This is called a Neutron star. A neutron star contains 500,000 times the mass of earth in a sphere only a few kilometers in diameter. Neutron Stars can become highly magnetized. This is called a pulsar.
Pulsars emit a strong beam of electromagnetic radiation. As the pulsar rotates, this radiation can be detected as it passes over earth in the for of radio waves. This piece demonstrates what you would hear, standing in Perth, facing north from 7pm on the 9th of October to 7pm on the 10th if your ears could hear these radio waves. The piece was performed at Spectrum festival 2 in 2013 and accompanied by a video. This project would not be possible without the help of fellow composers, Sam Wylde and Zach Will Brown. |